Invite your colleagues and friends

As thanks for spreading the word about your experiences with RxTROSPECT, we are offering a referral program for you and your friends.

Get up to $500
for bringing your
friends to RxTROSPECT

Just send us
your friend's name,
email address and
company name — we’ll do the rest

  • You can refer as many friends or colleagues as you want to RxTROSPECT, simply send us their full name, company name, and email address below.

  • Your friend secures a demo with RxTROPSECT and requests access. We'll talk with them to see if they qualify for access.

  • After we deliver your friend's demo and qualify their access request, you'll receive a $75 gift card. You can earn up to $750 in gift cards per calendar year.


How it works

Refer your

Thank you for being our valued customer