"Thank you for referring a friend to RxTROSPECT! We've received your submission and are excited to introduce them to our products.
Here's what happens next:
Your friend will be contacted: We will reach out to your friend to discuss RxTROSPECT and schedule a demo.
Qualified Referral & Gift Card: If your friend requests RxTROSPECT access and completes a demo, you will receive a $75 gift card from Visa or Mastercard.
Gift Card Delivery: Within 90 days of your friend meeting these requirements, you will receive an email with instructions on how to redeem your gift card.
Referral program conditions:
Per qualified referral, the referrer in the Program will receive a $75 gift card from Visa or Mastercard when a qualified access request and demo is completed by the referee. Offer valid only when the referee has requested RxTROSPECT access, subsequently resulting in a demo. Within 90 days of a referee meeting Program requirements, the referrer will receive an email with information on how to redeem their gift card.
Conditions: Maximum of 10 paid referrals per calendar year. Referrer certifies that each referred name represents an individual known to them. Referrals may not be sourced from automated or distribution lists. Participants must be located in the U.S. to be eligible to be eligible for the Program. By participating in the Program, the referrer agrees that RxTROSPECT may disclose his/her identity as a customer of RxTROSPECT to the referred individual (referee). Current RxTROSPECT employees, non-U.S. residents, and residents of any jurisdiction where this offer is not valid are not eligible for the Program.
This offer is not valid for any business (incorporated or unincorporated) accounts. Customers may only be enrolled in one offer at a time. Cannot be combined with any other RxTROSPECT referral program. Qualified customers must be of legal age in their state of residence. Restrictions apply, see Mastercard.com or Visa.com for additional terms. RxTROSPECT reserves the right to terminate this offer at any time without notification.
RxTROSPECT offers may be subject to U.S. withholding taxes and reporting at retail value. Taxes related to these offers are the customer’s responsibility. RxTROSPECT and its affiliates do not provide tax advice.